Monday, June 29, 2009

Coffee Jelly at Seattle's Best Coffee

Ok, it's coffee time again after a huge tasty meal at "Gumbo" and this time it's an Ice Blended Coffee Jelly at Seattle's Best Coffee. Actually these were taken a few days ago when were at SM North Edsa and no Starbucks can be found. We've been into lots of coffee shops. Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Seattle's Best and local coffee shops here in Angeles City like Coffee Academy, Coffee Overdose, Zulu are some of them, and my girlfriend always wants to taste her favorite ice blended coffee's to enjoy and criticize it. Do you want to know on what is the best ice blended coffee she ever had? Well, you'll have to ask her about that. Do you want to know her number? You can't! "Over My Dead Body"


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